CHAMPs Homeschool Co-op CHAMPs Homeschool Co-op

FAQ of Champs

When does CHAMPS meet?

We meet on Mondays from the Monday after Labor Day in September until the Monday before Memorial Day in May. We meet at Cardinal Drive Church in Rolling Meadows, IL. We have breaks for Thanksgiving, Christmas, President's Day, Spring Break, and Easter. CHAMPS does meet on other Monday holidays. Classes are offered between 8:30am and 4:00pm. Classes are offered "a la carte" so you can pick and choose when you will be at Champs.

What about snow days?

In the event of inclement weather, CHAMPS will post to our web site, and send an email and text message to the community by 7:00 am if we are closing on any given Monday. As always, CHAMPS believes that each family should evaluate for themselves if the weather is such that they should not travel to CHAMPS.

In the event that the weather turns bad during the course of the day the Board Members will decide on a case-by-case basis on early closings and contact the parents as soon as possible.

What is the age range of students?

Classes are offered for preschool age students through 12th grade.

Can I join Champs mid-year?

At this time, CHAMPS is not accepting new families mid-year, as we have reached our family limit. The Board evaluates this situation on an ongoing basis and will post if we begin accepting families again mid-year.

Do I need to stay at CHAMPs, or can I drop off my kids for classes?
CHAMPs is a cooperative structure, so your attendance and participation is necessary. Champs is not a drop-off program. It takes many people to help our organization run smoothly and safely! A benefit of this structure is that it results in a supportive community atmosphere that provides social interaction and refreshment for the homeschooling parent. However, if you have extenuating circumstances that limit your availability, please speak to a Board Member to work out an arrangement.

What can my child do if he or she has time between classes?
There are various hang out places – there is a nursery for preschool aged families; an out door playground; and the lunchroom for board games or other sit-down activities (as well as eating!)

Are Peanuts Allowed at Champs?

In order to protect some children who are allergic to peanuts, Champs is a PEANUT FREE ZONE. We realize that peanut butter is a staple for some families, but as you are probably aware, peanut allergies are wide-spread. We expect you to bring peanut-free options to protect our students who are allergic. Thank you!!

What are the costs of Champs?

Registration Fee: This is paid once a year when the registration form is turned in.  The amount depends if you register as a member or non-member. This fee is non-refundable unless all classes you register for are cancelled.

Class Fees/Teacher Fees: Each class has a different cost set by teachers, please review class/registration informaton for specific costs (typically $10 - $45 per month per class). These are paid on the first Monday of the month from September through April, directly to each teacher by check or cash at the board table at CHAMPS. September and May tuition is due the first meeting day in September. Some teachers may accept electronic payment such as Venmo, Zelle, or Paypal. Please discuss with your teachers if that is an option for them.

CHAMPS facilitates payment for teachers by placing a black box at board table with a folder labeled for each teacher. Deposit your payment into the appropriate file. Teachers will collect their payments from box. If you are paying with cash, please have correct change. Ask a board member for a receipt for tax/accounting purposes. The teachers are independent contractors who bless us and our children with their knowledge ,time, and energy. Families are responsible to pay them when funds are due. Please remember that they have their own budgets and are expecting payment in a timely manner. In September, parents are asked to pay teachers for BOTH September and May (with the exception of private lessons). Private lessons are also due at the beginning of the month. Amount varies according to the number of Mondays in a month.

Material Fees: These vary from class to class and are determined by instructor but are usually due in August and January. These fees are paid directly to the instructor.

Operational Fees: These are due in October and February and vary depending on how many class hours your children have and whether you are a member or non-member. This covers use of church and the overhead of running CHAMPS. See the current Registration form for exact amount for Members and Non-Members. Checks made out to "CHAMPS.” If paying with cash, you must bring exact change.

Stay and Serve Deposit: If you choose to be a member, you pay less for the Registration Fee and for Operational Fees, and you agree to serve in a monitoring position during your time at Champs and on an Operational Team. If you are a member, the first year you join Champs you pay a $50 Stay and Serve Deposit. You can get this money back if you complete all your service requirements for the year. If you continue to be a part of Champs, it rolls over to the next year. This deposit is refundable after you leave CHAMPS if a request is made in writing within six months of your departure.

Do you have a Sick Policy? Yes, we do. Please email [email protected] for more details.

What if I have more questions?
Email [email protected], and we’ll do our best to answer them.