2020 - 2021 Class Descriptions: Math, Computer Science, and Science
Math Classes
Fun with Math: 5-7 years
The purpose of this course is to math facts in centers format. To have fun!
We'll be using games, laughter, being with friends, and knowing WHY we are doing what we are doing. My goal is to create a fun and supportive environment for students to master their facts and to encourage them to WANT To.
The suggested age range is merely a guide. It is FAR more important that the topics covered match up with what your student should be practicing -- I don't want anyone bored because the material is either way too easy, or way too hard, though I'll do my best to differentiate. Please contact me if you have any questions. ([email protected])
Please note that this is only meant to be a supplement to any math that may be happening at home and is not intended to be a full math program.
Topics covered: Addition, Subraction, starting Multiplication, starting Division, Word Problems
AGE: 5 - 7 years
MIN/MAX: 3 students/10 students
MAT’L FEE: $20 in September
MASKS: Optional
Fun with Math: 8-12 years
The purpose of this course is to drill math facts to automaticity in preparation for higher math. To have fun! Math is cumulative, painfully so. It is vital that arithmetic concepts and facts be mastered to free up the brain to be able to concentrate on learning newer, more complicated material. There's an old yarn that you can only keep approximately 7 pieces of information in your working memory at any given time. Partially learned material is going to use up more slots than fully mastered so our goal is to make arithmetic FULLY MASTERED so as many slots as possible can be spent manipulating our terms instead of having to calculate them. We don't want anyone to hit a wall when they get to fractions, or algebra, or calculus. (Or first year Engineering!).
Of course, this does take work. But work can be made fun using games, laughter, being with friends, and knowing WHY we are doing what we are doing. My goal is to create a fun and supportive environment for students to master their facts and to encourage them to WANT To.
We will play games as War, Yahtzee,, Relays, Around the World, Buzz, Bingo, Mad Minute, Team Tag, Dice Area War, and , Sequence, and Shut the Box among others. We will have silly/absurd word problems and work through strategies for solving them. We will have recommended library reading. We will have recommended homework.
Topics Covered: multi-digit addition and subtraction, single digit multiplication to the 16s, division through the 16s, squares, cubes, occasional touching on other interesting and fun topics such as fractions, Fibonacci sequence, exponents.
The suggested age range is merely a guide. It is FAR more important that the topics covered match up with what your student should be practicing -- I don't want anyone bored because the material is either way too easy, or way too hard, though I'll do my best to differentiate. Please contact me if you have any questions. ([email protected])
Please note that this is only meant to be a supplement to any math that may be happening at home and is not intended to be a full math program.
Topics covered: Addition, Subraction, Multiplication, Division, Word Problems
INSTRUCTOR: Debbie Chenault
AGE: 8 - 12 years
MIN/MAX: 3 students/10 students
MAT’L FEE: $20 in September
MASKS: Optional
Algebra 1
Students will develop the understanding they need to resolve more complex problems and functions with this step-by-step course. Covers topics including signed numbers, exponents, roots, absolute value, equations and inequalities, scientific notation, ratio, percent, unit conversions, geometry, perimeter, area, volume, surface area, polynomials, graphs, factoring, quadratic equations, direct and inverse variations, exponential growth, statistics, and probability.
This class will focus on teaching and learning new material with four lessons taught each week. Students will be expected to complete the exercises in each lesson and correct any mistakes. Parents will be expected grade their student’s work, as well as administer and grade quizzes.
INSTRUCTOR: Maureen Azcoitia
AGE: Grade 8+
MIN: 5 students
CLASS FEE: $25 per month, per student
REQUIRED TEXT: Saxon Algebra 1, 3rd edition
Algebra 2
Saxon Algebra 2 not only treats topics that are traditionally covered in second-year algebra but as well as a full semester of informal geometry, making this an integrated mathematics course. Specific algebra topics covered include simultaneous equations in 2 and 3 variable, scientific notation, radicals, roots of quadratic equations including complex roots, properties of the real numbers, inequalities and systems of inequalities, logarithms and antilogarithms, exponential equations, right-triangle trigonometry, polynomials, advanced factoring, vectors, polar and rectangular coordinate systems, addition of vectors, complex numbers, and a wide spectrum of word problems requiring algebra to solve.
This class will focus on teaching and learning new material with four lessons taught each week. Students will be expected to complete the exercises in each lesson and correct any mistakes. Parents will be expected grade their student’s work, as well as administer and grade quizzes.
Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 1
INSTRUCTOR: Maureen Azcoitia
AGE: Grade 10+
MIN: 5 students
CLASS FEE: $25 per month, per student
REQUIRED TEXT: Saxon Algebra 2, 3rd edition
Computer Science Classes
3D Printing STEM
New students will learn how to create CAD designs using TinkerCAD and then print them out in 3D right before their eyes. Level 2 students will increase their knowledge of TinkerCAD with more advanced projects. All will learn the engineering design process while designing new kid friendly items that will then be printed on the 3D printer. In addition, they will explore the world of science and engineering with hands on STEM projects. Each student is required to bring a Chromebook or lap top computer to class each week.
Instructor: Melissa Lofrano
Age: 8 - 15 yos
Min / Max: 7 students / 10 students
Monthly fee: $45
Material Fee: $40 August / $40 January
MASKS: Required
SQL Programming
SQL is a standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases.
Databases and therefore SQL are used in the technology field in every area where large amounts of data are involved. Join this introductory level class and learn:
What Can SQL do?
- SQL can execute queries against a database
- SQL can retrieve data from a database
- SQL can insert records in a database
- SQL can update records in a database
- SQL can delete records from a database
Only if time allows, we will discuss how:
- SQL can create new databases
- SQL can create new tables in a database
- SQL can set permissions on tables, procedures, and views
- SQL can create views in a database
- SQL can create stored procedures in a database
The course audience is high school level; however, technically incline 8 graders are welcome to join. Each student should have a working laptop.
Min / Max: 4/15
Monthly fee: $10
Supply fee: 0
MASKS: Optional
Science Classes
Discovery Science
Discovery Science is a beginning science class designed to engage 5-7 year olds and help them to discover and understand the world around them. We will touch on many different facets of science such as the senses, the solar system, plant life, health and safety, sound, seasons, … This 45 minute class is meant to be a fun and exploratory learning class, supplemental to any science taught at home.
AGES: 5-7
MIN/MAX: 3 students, 9 students
CLASS FEE: $15/mo
MATERIAL FEE: $15 in September
MASKS: Optional
General Science
This course is designed to be a student's first systematic introduction to science. Its scope is wide, covering such topics as the scientific method, designing experiments, simple machines, archaeology, geology, paleontology, biology, and human anatomy and physiology. We will do many hands-on experiments as well. The study skills required for this course are the building block for success in future science courses. We will plan to cover one module every two weeks. Each module will require the student to read 20-25 pages from the textbook, do the module study guide questions and “on your own” questions, write up approximately one lab report per module and take a module test. Each student will also do a science fair project in the second semester.
INSTRUCTOR: Jennifer Polizzi
AGE: Grades 6 - 8
MIN/MAX: 6 students / 12 students
CLASS FEE: $20.00 /month
MAT’L FEE: $15.00 August / TBD January
REQUIRED TEXTS (to be purchased prior to the start of the class): Exploring Creation with General Science, 3nd Edition by Sheri Seligson and Exploring Creation with General Science Solutions and Tests
MASKS: Optional
High School Biology
This course is designed to take a detailed look at the science of biology . We will be covering a variety of topics including: the biological classification of all the animal kingdoms, the cell, plant anatomy and physiology, genetics, DNA, as well as several animal dissections. Each week we will be incorporating lab or microscope exploration with weekly worksheets and lab reports to supplement students’ understanding and apply the module material. Our schedule covers one module every two weeks. Students are required to read assigned textbook pages, do the “On Your Own” and/or study guide questions, additional assigned homework, several quizzes, and complete module tests, and a cumulative exam at the end of the year. (Email: [email protected])
INSTRUCTOR: Julie Nichols
AGE: Grade 9+
MIN/MAX: 6 students / 10 students
CLASS FEE: $20/month per student
MAT’L FEE: $15 Aug / $20 Jan
REQUIRED TEXT: (Purchase separately before class begins) Exploring Creation with Biology, 2nd edition by Dr. Jay Wile, ISBN 978-1-932012-54-5.
SUGGESTED TEXT: Solutions and Tests for Exploring Creation with Biology, 2nd edition ISBN # 978-1-932012-55-2 (This book will very helpful for the parent that wants to study and review the material with their child each week. You will be able to reinforce what you child is learning without having to read the textbook or have any knowledge of the content yourself.)
MASKS: Required
High School Chemistry
This course is designed to introduce the fascinating subject of chemistry. The text is written in a conversational form with material presented understandably with step by step instruction. Some of the module topics include: atomic and molecular structure, acid/base chemistry, classifying matter, stoichiometry, conversions of measurements and units, and kinetics. Each week we will do a laboratory experiment and a type written lab report to be competed the following week, if applicable, review module material and practice problems. Our rigorous schedule covers one module every two weeks. Students are required to read assigned textbook pages, do the “On Your Own” and review questions, various supplemental worksheet pages, weekly quizzes, complete module tests, and a cumulative final exam. A year of high school Algebra is essential. (Students need to be able to rearrange algebraic equations to solve for unknown variables.) (Email: [email protected])
INSTRUCTOR: Julie Nichols
AGE: Grade 10+
MIN/MAX: 6 students / 9 students
CLASS FEE: $20/month per student
MAT’L FEE: $15 Aug / $15 Jan
REQUIRED TEXT: (Purchase separately before class begins) Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 2nd edition by Dr. Jay Wile, ISBN 978-1-932012-26-5.
SUGGESTED TEXT: Solutions and Tests for Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 2nd edition ISBN # 978-1-932012-27-9 (This book will very helpful for the parent that wants to study and review the material with their child each week. You will be able to reinforce what you child is learning without having to read the textbook or have any knowledge of the content yourself.)
MASKS: Required
Private Pilot Ground School
The objective of this course is to introduce students to flight training and the aviation industry. We will be discussing the theory and concepts needed for preparing for the FAA private pilot aeronautical knowledge test (airplane). Topics include: airplane systems, aerodynamics, flight instruments, procedures & airport operations, communications procedures, weather, regulations, weather services, aircraft performance, navigation, enroute flight, and cross-country flight planning. We will be using the Jeppesen Private pilot textbook. Students will be expected to read and do homework weekly. We will also be going on a few field trips to local airports, which will include tower visits, airline operations and going for an airplane ride. Required materials will be the Jeppesen Private Pilot text book, cost approximately 70.00$ new. There are used ones but please check with me before buying,there are a few editions of this textbook and we will need the latest one. (email: [email protected])
Instructor: Mr. Tait Wasser
Age: 9th – 12th grade
Min/Max: 4 students / 10 students
Class Fee: $20
Required text: Jeppeson Private Pilot Text Book ISBN: 0884876608 (Can be found on Amazon – approximate cost $79 – can also be found as an ebook at https://jeppdirect.jeppesen.com/product_details.jsp?id=prod770007_ca)
MASKS: Optional